
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nashville Here I Come

I bought my tickets to go to Nashville on August 22. What is so special about the 22 of August? Is it important because it is the Friday before school starts and the night of meet the teacher? NOPE!!!! Is it because I love being gone the weekend before school starts (exspecialy with moving into a brand new classroom and spanking new building) and thus forcing myself to be done with everything without having the weekend? NOT CORRECT EITHER (But this idea does stress me out a little so if you could pray for me get stuff done in my room that would be awesome) That is the day that my sweet little niece will for sure be here. She will either be born by then or will be born on that day. I cannot wait to meet her and hug my sister in law Jeanette. This has been such an incredible, long journey and it will be such a joy to finally hold this baby. I already find that I am getting kinda emotional just thinking about seeing her little face, counting her tiny toes and fingers, holding her, just being able to love on her.
For those of you who may not totally know the history, Russell and Jeanette have had four miscarriages and as they describe four profound disappointments. They found out they were expecting right before they came to Texas for Christmas. I remember being very happy to hear that there was another chance but totally in fear of a 5th disappointment. When they got to Texas they had to do some blood work here. (Something about numbers doubling.) While they were here we found out that the number more than doubled. This was the first of good news after good news about the baby. Before they even got here, Jeanette was already doing daily heparin shots in her abdomen plus having pregesterone daily as well and has done this everyday since they found out she was pregnant. People who know and love Jeanette and out family have been in prayer for a strong, healthy baby. Thank you for all the prayers, keep praying in these final weeks. As they said and requested,

"We hope you’ll pray with us that God would bless us with this indescribable gift."

Russell and Jeanette at Christmas

Can't wait to see you in August!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love it when our baby's aunt goes "on and on" about how wonderful it will be when she is here! Yippee! Can't wait to see you and hand our little pink bundle over for you to see and love on!