
Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I went to boot camp today and our first task was to run 2 miles. I then remembered there had been a reason that I had been finding an excuse to miss working out on Wednesday because the pattern lately has been that we run a lot on Wednesday. If you know even a little bit, you know that I am not a runner, never have been, probably never will be. But I am been doing this fitness boot camp for little over a year fairly regularly. We run a mile at the beginning of the each 5 week session to "test" and at the end to "test" again and see improvement. (I also have gotten pretty good at figuring out which days those are and "missing" those as well I am sure for a good reason)

Now, let me brag on myself a little bit, when I did my first mile last year, I did not even make it around the first lap without stopping and my time was well over 14 minutes. Well, my goal for a while has been to make it under 10 minutes. I have been hovering above 10 minutes for a while and my goal has been to get under 10 minutes for sometime. Monday we ran it again and finally I did it in 9 minutes 42 seconds. YEAH ME!!! Now I guess next goal is to make in under 9 minutes 30 seconds.

The whole reason for the title: You think that since I have been doing this running for a while, that it would get to the point where I enjoy running and running is fun, and maybe even easier. NOPE not fun, not enjoyable, and certainly not easy. I have though decided, that in order for me to "run" the whole time, I have to play mind games with myself. One of my favorite subjects to teach in school is fractions. I make fractions in my head as I run and reduce them (I know WEIRDO please don't judge!!!) Whatever it takes though, to make it without stopping. I do crazy scenerios in my head, have conversations with myself. If I can think it while "running" I think it. NOW, I must admit I did not make it the full 2 miles without stopping, I probably did about 1 and 3/4 of it (my fractions come in handy) without stopping. I know I will make it to the full 2 soon!!!!

Maybe I can inspire some, if I can do this workout thing and stay up with it and run, then really I believe anyone can do it. I certainly go though slumps where I just do not want to go. I take some time off then, I get through it and get motivated again. I still really do not enjoy the hour, but sure do feel good when I am done.
From my first session of boot camp!!!

As we say at the end 1,2,3 BOOT CAMP!!!


Carrie said...

Laura! I am so impressed!!! You could kick my bottom in the mile run!

The Sawyers said...

Way to go Laura! You are doing a graet job!!! Way more than me, that's for sure. I hate running and I definitely understand the mindgames. I whatever it takes to get the job done! So funny-your posts crack me up! You are hilarious.

Nesa said...

I knew you were always a runner! I'm signing you up for a 5k in September!