
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hunter of a Gatherer

I am not a lover of shopping and definitely have not ever considered myself a hunter when I shop. If I go to the mall or a shopping center, I go with a purpose... I need new jeans, shoes, makeup, whatever and I am going to find that one thing and get it and leave. BUT the other day I started as a hunter and became a gatherer in one store. I went with the purpose to find a Baby Gap and find some really cute jeans for my soon to arrive niece. Well, my trusty friend Michelle knew that there was a Baby Gap Outlet at the Allen Outlet Mall and she was more than willing to take me there. We went there and I was thrilled when I saw a Gap Outlet also close by. You see, I have not always been a Gap fan. I have always thought it was too expensive. Then at Christmas time, I was given a 40% off your entire purchase coupon and I decided to use it and got some new pants for work and a new pair of jeans. I feel quickly in love with the clothes I got especially the jeans. I have never gotten so many compliments on a pair of jeans ever and the main thing is the quality is outstanding. I guess I have no reason to complain about my $8 Walmart shirt coming apart quickly or my $20 Old Navy hem coming out. I decided quickly after getting my pants in December that quality is worth spending a little more. ALL THAT TO SAY.... We started off first at The Gap and they had great pants and shirts that were on sale off the already outlet price. I walked through the store picked up a couple of things at the very front and decided I needed a trusty mesh bag. Michelle decided to hold my bag for me and I officially became a gatherer. I gathered 7 work pants, 1 pair of jeans, 7 new shirts, and two lip glosses!!! I just kept adding to the bag. Never have I gotten so much on a whim, but I knew that in a few weeks I would need some back to school clothes. The total of all the new clothes was $160.00 OH by the way I never try clothes on and everything fit perfectly when I got home!!! My mind is NOT ready for school to start but I think my wardrobe is. THANKS FOR THE FUN DAY OF SHOPPING MICHELLE!!!

AND BY THE WAY: The thing I was hunting for was accomplished as well at the Baby Gap!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I went to boot camp today and our first task was to run 2 miles. I then remembered there had been a reason that I had been finding an excuse to miss working out on Wednesday because the pattern lately has been that we run a lot on Wednesday. If you know even a little bit, you know that I am not a runner, never have been, probably never will be. But I am been doing this fitness boot camp for little over a year fairly regularly. We run a mile at the beginning of the each 5 week session to "test" and at the end to "test" again and see improvement. (I also have gotten pretty good at figuring out which days those are and "missing" those as well I am sure for a good reason)

Now, let me brag on myself a little bit, when I did my first mile last year, I did not even make it around the first lap without stopping and my time was well over 14 minutes. Well, my goal for a while has been to make it under 10 minutes. I have been hovering above 10 minutes for a while and my goal has been to get under 10 minutes for sometime. Monday we ran it again and finally I did it in 9 minutes 42 seconds. YEAH ME!!! Now I guess next goal is to make in under 9 minutes 30 seconds.

The whole reason for the title: You think that since I have been doing this running for a while, that it would get to the point where I enjoy running and running is fun, and maybe even easier. NOPE not fun, not enjoyable, and certainly not easy. I have though decided, that in order for me to "run" the whole time, I have to play mind games with myself. One of my favorite subjects to teach in school is fractions. I make fractions in my head as I run and reduce them (I know WEIRDO please don't judge!!!) Whatever it takes though, to make it without stopping. I do crazy scenerios in my head, have conversations with myself. If I can think it while "running" I think it. NOW, I must admit I did not make it the full 2 miles without stopping, I probably did about 1 and 3/4 of it (my fractions come in handy) without stopping. I know I will make it to the full 2 soon!!!!

Maybe I can inspire some, if I can do this workout thing and stay up with it and run, then really I believe anyone can do it. I certainly go though slumps where I just do not want to go. I take some time off then, I get through it and get motivated again. I still really do not enjoy the hour, but sure do feel good when I am done.
From my first session of boot camp!!!

As we say at the end 1,2,3 BOOT CAMP!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nashville Here I Come

I bought my tickets to go to Nashville on August 22. What is so special about the 22 of August? Is it important because it is the Friday before school starts and the night of meet the teacher? NOPE!!!! Is it because I love being gone the weekend before school starts (exspecialy with moving into a brand new classroom and spanking new building) and thus forcing myself to be done with everything without having the weekend? NOT CORRECT EITHER (But this idea does stress me out a little so if you could pray for me get stuff done in my room that would be awesome) That is the day that my sweet little niece will for sure be here. She will either be born by then or will be born on that day. I cannot wait to meet her and hug my sister in law Jeanette. This has been such an incredible, long journey and it will be such a joy to finally hold this baby. I already find that I am getting kinda emotional just thinking about seeing her little face, counting her tiny toes and fingers, holding her, just being able to love on her.
For those of you who may not totally know the history, Russell and Jeanette have had four miscarriages and as they describe four profound disappointments. They found out they were expecting right before they came to Texas for Christmas. I remember being very happy to hear that there was another chance but totally in fear of a 5th disappointment. When they got to Texas they had to do some blood work here. (Something about numbers doubling.) While they were here we found out that the number more than doubled. This was the first of good news after good news about the baby. Before they even got here, Jeanette was already doing daily heparin shots in her abdomen plus having pregesterone daily as well and has done this everyday since they found out she was pregnant. People who know and love Jeanette and out family have been in prayer for a strong, healthy baby. Thank you for all the prayers, keep praying in these final weeks. As they said and requested,

"We hope you’ll pray with us that God would bless us with this indescribable gift."

Russell and Jeanette at Christmas

Can't wait to see you in August!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thank You Mr. Plano Cop

Tonight I was on my way to celebrate 3 friend's birthday. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEHGAN, MARCUS, and JOE) I had just turned down the street where the restraunt was when I saw flashing lights in the in my rear view mirror. OH CRAP!!! I know that my registration is out on my car so I am thinking great, double tickets. The nicest cop I have ever met ask me if I know that my registration is out. Honestly, I told him that I knew, the 20th is my pay day and I was going to take care of it then (Yes dad, I can see you shaking your head at me and see your disappointed eyes focusing on me) I show him my license and my insurance. The kicker, he lets me know that my insurance expired as well 4 days earlier. (Yes, dad I can see you again) My thoughts for sure I am getting ticketed now if there was a chance that this would just be a warning has disappeared. No, this guy just tells me to take of it ASAP and he just wanted to make sure I was aware that it was expired. I have been pulled over 3 times before and have never gotten just a warning just the big ticket, BUT thank you Mr. Plano cop for the warning and I WILL take care of this situation tomorrow, not even wait until the 20th.

By the way, one question, How can nice Mr. Cop see that my registration sticker is out from behind me?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Well, Maybe Not

The other day I was buying a house, today I am not. I opted out of the contract before the ten day active option was up. I really was totally not at peace about this house after the inspection. I did have my realtor send a repair request to the sellers. The only thing she said she had heard from the other realtor is that she was kinda overwhelmed by the number of repairs we requested. We did even ask for everything to be fixed. We did ask for them to fix the chimney, repair the stove, microwave, and dishwasher, have electrician come out and make sure everything was up to code, BUT there was still lots of things we did not ask for. It was truly an overwhelming list. I had my dad look at it and he supported me still buying the house if I wanted, but I could tell that he was concerned. He did say he and my mom would help out with things if need be. That did not matter though because, because I had just been a nervous wreck about it since the inspection Wed. I spent a ton of time praying and asking for peace about it. It never came until I wrote the email to my realtor explaining my situation. (Honestly, I do feel bad because she has given me a lot of her time and really do not want to let her down.) After I wrote it and hit send, I felt like the weight lifted off my shoulders. I not at all concerned about the amount of money I spent on the inspection, or the $50 I will lose for canceling the contract.
I am not sure what my next plan is. I may check with my apartments for a month to month option, or a six month lease. I am confident in the decision I have made to cancel this and wait and see what there may or may not be. I'm totally trusting the decisions I have made, and believing that God is real and gives ultimate discernment in situation when he is sought after. So thankful that He cares even for the least of these, me.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Belated 81st Birthday Mamaw

To one of the strongest women I know!!!
I hope to leave even half of the legacy as you have left some day
on my family, friends, and community!!!

Love ya Mamaw!!!!

Happy Belated 61st Birthday Daddy!!!!

As a little girl I hung on Daddy's shoulder.

And as an adult his shoulder is still there!!!

Daddy, thanks for having such strong shoulders!!!

Happy Birthday Daddy.....sorry this is late!!!!

Just One of My Favorite Family Pictures Ever

We were and are just an adorable family!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Inspection Nightmare

So I have always heard that home inspections will tell you every single tiny little problem there may be. As little as tightening a screw to if a strong wind come your chimney may be blown off. We'll today I heard the latter. The chimney is in danger, the dishwasher, stove and microwave do not work properly. Wiring is not great everywhere. The great jetted tub does not work. That is only a few things that he told me about. Really this is one of those things that if most of the stuff is not fixed, this will be a big time deal breaker and if I do not get this house then I do not think I am going to pull the trigger at all with a house this summer. Maybe this is a sign from God that I am not ready for this. I have really felt at peace about this whole thing till now. The stress is just getting to me and it just easier to sign another lease with this lousy apartment complex (even though my rent is going up $120.00.) I'll see in the days to come what will happen with this whole house thing.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Maybe Not So Disappointing

So guess what I did??? I did sign papers for a house. SERIOUSLY!!! Let me just tell the excitement quickly turned to horror and fear. What the begeevies have I done?? I have until July 7th to back out and change my mind. Love the house!! It is great. Location is perfect for me, layout is excellent, price is perfect. Closing is officially set for July 24. CRAZINESS!!!! I am trying to figure out how to post pictures, but am having issues. Hopefully they are to come!!!.