
Saturday, May 3, 2008

So Here I Go

For a while I have thought about doing a blog. I have considered will anyone care or want to read about me and my life? (Actually I think my big fear though is affirming that NO ONE does truly care about what is going on with me) Will I have anything remotely interesting to say especially since I am not at all a creative writer? Does anything exciting ever happen in my life that is intriguing to anyone else?? I truly think not. I did ask some friends if they would read it and have received affirmatives that they at least would. Will I be one of those people that doesn't not update for months at a time? Hoping that will not be the case for me. I am hoping that people will care about what I write. That my heart will be out there and maybe this will help some understand who I am. I hope that I am able to find encouragement from others and reconnect with some friends whose blogs that I read. Please know that if this is read there maybe too much stuff said about my teaching. (This is where some of funniest/most frustrating stories come from) I may not always write with a positive attitude, but I will try. I have a great love for my family and what some of even my closest friends may not even know about me is that I am a dreamer. (Not always good at attacking or going after them, but I do dream!!!) I do have some things that I think are exciting going on in my life and will leave those for a future post. (MAYBE!!!)


Anonymous said...

So here I am --- the person with the first comment. I am really looking forward to reading your blog as you get up your nerve to reveal your DREAMS! I will check it often.

The Johnson Junket said...

I care about you Laura! I might get aggrevated though if you go months without posting! Just kidding!

Anonymous said...

Ha, I found it!!! You know I'm always gonna be interested in what you have to say. I'll read these to Cadence....