
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friday Night

I wish I had more exciting tale to tell. I wish I could think of some funny stuff to write about what I did, but it just wasn't that funny. I will say that I actually had a pretty good time and it did not seem as bad as I thought it would be. I was nervous as heck going into, I honestly did some emotional/nervous eating beforehand. Needless to say I was extremely thankful that this even was being held at my friends wine store, Divine Wine of Plano. Another friend who was helping said she would "keep my glass full." That was sure done, but I did not have as much as I would have thought. So what was it? Have you done a decent job of inferring? If you are any good, you are correct and I went speed dating. I went on 10 dates in one night. Six minutes each. I was not nearly as bad as I thought, I actually kinda enjoyed it. I laughed, ROLLED MY EYES A LOT (with my eyelids closed), answered the question a lot what do I like to do in my spare time. That is not as easy of a question as it sounds. I do not want to sound like I am the most boring person on Earth. Maybe I need to work on the answer. (If you know what I like to do in my spare time, can you please help) ANYWAYS...... I am sure I kept you all in great anticipation, and I am sorry if it is not as exciting as I made it sound like it could have been. That's it, there you go, my exciting adventure Friday night!!


The Sawyers said...

Fun-way to go Laura!

texnykazrus said...

OK, you told us what you did, but you didn't answer the real question on everyone's mind. Did you meet anyone worth seeing again?

Laura said...

That remains to be seen (wink,wink)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Laura! Keep going...I'm jealous as I wish I would have done speed dating while single. What an adventure!!


Anonymous said...

I think you're brave! What is speed dating anyway except getting out there and being willing to learn something about yourself?

Nanette R. said...

I think I'd need some emotional eating AND a few glasses of wine before I could do any speed dating. You go girl! I think we need to hear more about the ones who weren't worth seeing again! :-)